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View all frequently asked questions about Indoor MountainBike here.

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Routebordje mountainbikeroute
  • Is a helmet mandatory?
    A helmet is mandatory at all times when using the track. You can bring your own or rent it from us.
  • Do you have bicycles for rent?
    We have very nice mountain bikes (hardtails) from CUBE for both adults and children! The smallest size we have is a children's bike 20" (length from 1.15), the largest size is an adult model 23" (>1.95). You can choose the correct size based on your height when booking. VB: if you are 1.70m tall, choose a size M for adults.
  • Do you have enough material available?
    To be sure of a mountain bike and/or helmet, book the equipment you need in advance! Indicate in the reservation (last step) what you would like to rent.
  • Can I also bring my own mountain bike?
    Yes, of course that is possible. It is important that the bicycle is intended for off-road riding and is equipped with at least one working brake.
  • What kind of clothes should I wear?
    We recommend comfortable and sporty clothing that can get dirty and wet. Make sure the clothes fit well and don't flutter around you, which minimizes the chance that you will get caught and have a large tear in your clothes for the rest of the day. In the spring/autumn and winter there can be considerable temperature differences, especially in the greenhouse. If the sun shines on the greenhouse, it can be a lot more pleasant in winter than outside, especially because you don't have to deal with any wind from outside. Therefore, use the following guidelines: Cold day (-5-10° + clouds) Long pants and a shirt with long sleeves, possibly an extra thermal layer and thin gloves can be nice. It never freezes very hard in the greenhouse, but the temperature can still drop below zero. Cold day (0-10° + sun) Long pants and a long-sleeved shirt, bring an extra short-sleeved shirt if it does get warm. Warm day (10-20° + clouds) Shorts and a long-sleeved shirt, bring an extra short-sleeved shirt if it does get warm. Warm day (15-25° + sun) Shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, bring an extra long-sleeved shirt if it does cool down or if you are sitting still for a while.
  • Do I have to make a reservation for free mountain biking?
    Currently, yes! Due to the current circumstances and measures surrounding COVID-19, we use a maximum number of visitors. You can make a reservation via the button at the bottom of the screen, you can also reserve packages or rental bicycles/helmets in this menu.
  • How does the participant form work?
    Mountain biking is not a sport without risks, for that reason we have drawn up a number of rules and conditions to ensure that all visitors to Indoor Mountain Bike are aware of the rules and the risks and that everyone can participate in a safe way. Anyone who wants access to the route must first have read and completed the participant form. You can fill this in online, you can do that easily here.
  • How does the registration form for minors and children's parties work?
    Are you bringing your own or someone else's children? In this case, you, the authorized adult, must complete the form with your details. On the second page of the participant form you can indicate the children you will bring, fill in the surname and date of birth of the child. Are you not bringing your own child? Please consult with your parents/guardians first.
  • Can spectators also come and watch?
    Certainly! Spectators can take a seat in our catering facility where they have an unobstructed view of the track and at the same time can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee and a piece of cake!
  • Kan ik ook alleen of met twee personen komen BBQ-en?
    Op vrijdagavond zijn wij geopend tot 21:30, deze dag kun je aanschuiven bij 'Foodie Friday'. Wat houdt dit in? We hebben iedere week een ander gerecht van de BBQ zoals; spareribs; broodje burger; broodje pulled pork; satay; etc. Natuurlijk met een heerlijke knapperige portie friet erbij en een drankje naar keuze. Het menu per week voor de komende periode kun je hier vinden. En dat kost? Voor slechts €14,95 eet je gezellig mee met de rest van de crew. Je reserveert dit in de laatste stap van het boekingsproces. Ook niet-mountainbikers kunnen aanschuiven, en natuurlijk houden wij rekening met (vegetarische) eetwensen wanneer dit vooraf is doorgegeven. Grote groep? Kijk dan ook eens bij onze groepsarrangementen, voor nog meer Bike&BBQ!
  • Can I pin with you?
    Certainly, we prefer that ourselves.
  • From what age can children cycle at Indoor Mountainbike?
    From about 7 years on, it is on average fun and challenging for the children. If you now think: 'But my child is 4 years old and can already ride a bike very well!' Then the following points apply to make a good assessment yourself whether your son or daughter is skilled enough! It is especially important that the child; Can cycle for 1 year without training wheels and is skilled enough to perform pedaling and steering at the same time Can brake in situations where it is necessary, for example for a sharp bend or an emergency stop Has a little bit of experience in the forest, i.e.; has not only cycled at home on the sidewalk or the flat road Not afraid of stones, steps and curves Cycle on an (own) suitable bicycle with pedals and brakes, our smallest children's rental bike starts at 20", which fits approximately for children from 110 cm Does not pose a danger to other cyclists (for example by stopping and dismounting unexpectedly) Accompanied by at least 1 parent on a bicycle (accompaniment on foot is not allowed) Obviously, employees always keep an eye on things and children really don't have to be able to do it perfectly (there is every opportunity to practice!) but a solid foundation is nice to prevent fear and possible accidents.
  • Can my child go on the trail with a balance bike?
    Great to see that your little one is already showing such enthusiasm for mountain biking! However, for safety reasons, please note that it is not allowed to enter the route with a balance bike at any time. But don't worry, we have a solution for this - we organize the 'Kiddy-bike hour' every first Sunday of the month from 9:30-10:30. During this hour, the track is extra quiet and the little ones can have their first real bike experience with utmost concentration. Here's everything you need to know: The Kiddy-bike hour can be booked every first Sunday of the month, from 9:30-10:30. Please note that the balance bike is not included in the entrance fee and must be brought by yourself. Pedal bikes from 20" (length 1.15m) can be rented from us. The ticket is personal, and one supervisor per child must be present. Guidance on the route is mandatory and must be carried out on foot by an adult accompanying the children. Wearing a helmet is mandatory while cycling, even for small balance cyclists. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • Can I join the route as a companion?
    With a valid admission ticket and on your bike you can accompany your child or company, for example, it is not allowed to train and teach on the route on your own. The route should never be entered on foot. Children up to the age of 12 must be accompanied by at least one adult.
  • Are dogs welcome?
    We love dogs and of course they are welcome (with the exception of the mountain bike route) if accompanied and on a leash. A fresh bowl of water is ready!
  • Can I also enter the route with an electric bicycle at Indoor Mountainbike?
    Mountain bikes with electrical assistance are also allowed on the route, provided they are limited according to EU standards of 25 km/h.
  • Where can I park?
    You can do this very easily (and free of charge) at our doorstep!
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Indoor MountainBike
E. Heimansweg 8
1331 AP Almere

M: +31 6 21 56 57 39
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